Search Results

5 search results for Foraging

Foraged and Sown, Columbus & West Jefferson

A certified organic farm operating since 2015, Foraged and Sown literally started in Kate Hodges’ backyard.


3 Ohio Farms to Visit this Summer

Farming is at the heart of who we are as Ohioans. Visit three places across the state that honor and celebrate our connection to the land.


The Forager: Jeremy Umansky

Jeremy Umansky makes foraged ingredients a focus of the menu at his Cleveland delicatessen and bakery. Here’s how searching for wild edible plants became part of his life.


Weber Ranch, Wayne

Tony and Michelle Weber used their experiences living in Montana to inspire their small Wood County farm, where each pig, cow and chicken is part of an interconnected web.


How To: Make a Foraged Table Garland

From do-it-yourself, natural table decorations to preparing a pantry, Kelli Hanley Potts encourages a thoughtful approach to the home.
