Search Results

173 search results for Health

Live Well Ohio: February 2017

Learn about the work going on at three leading Ohio heart centers.


Live Well Ohio: May 2019

Ohio physician Dr. Glen Aukerman helps his patients choose organic and local fruits and vegetables that will be the most beneficial for their individual body makeup.


Live Well Ohio: Nov./Dec. 2020

How to enjoy your favorite holiday foods without going overboard and strategies for coping with socially distancing this time of year.


Live Well Ohio: Nov./Dec. 2021

Make the holidays safe for your four-legged friends, and embrace mini breaks to beat the stress of the season.


Live Well Ohio Sept./Oct. 2021

Learn how to protect yourself while traveling during the pandemic, and get advice on being a positive force in the battle against bullying.


Live Well Ohio: May 2018

Here’s how to get moving this summer, no matter your level of fitness. Plus: Physicians share advice for protecting yourself from the sun’s rays.


Live Well Ohio: February 2016

Dietitians share five heart-healthy eating strategies.


Live Well Ohio: February 2018

From smartphone ECG readings to a device that offers hope when surgery does not, advances in use at these Ohio hospital systems are changing the face of treatment.


Live Well Ohio: June 2021

Doctors share advice for protecting your skin from the sun’s rays and how to safeguard yourself against the itches and ouches waiting for you in the woods.


Live Well Ohio: March/April 2022

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a time to reacquaint yourself with what it means to stay focused behind the wheel.


Live Well Ohio: Nov./Dec. 2022

Follow these pointers when buying toys for the little ones in your life this season, and learn how the power of gratitude can improve your outlook.


Live Well Ohio: October 2017

Ohio hospital systems share how research into how we screen for breast cancer and treat the disease has improved patient outcomes.


Live Well Ohio: February 2019

Three patients share their stories about the cardiac issues they didn’t see coming.


Live Well Ohio: June 2023

Get pointers to keep in mind for safe campfires this summer, and learn strategies for staying hydrated as the season heats up.


Best Hometowns 2018: New Albany

This charming community in suburban Columbus works to improve residents’ lives by focusing on health, wellness and culture.


Live Well Ohio May 2024

Clean up your indoor air quality with these pointers, and learn the best way to keep an eye on a health number that often gets overlooked.


Live Well Ohio: May 2017

How three Ohio hospital systems are battling summer’s big threat, and how to get moving and have fun with organized sports this season.


Live Well Ohio: July/Aug. 2020

Try these five ways to ban the quarantine blues. Plus, a frontline healthcare worker at Cleveland Clinic shares the victories that keep caregivers going in the face of COVID-19.


Live Well Ohio: Sept./Oct. 2020

Cincinnati's Dr. Tom Lamarre shares practical advice for protecting yourself and others from COVID-19, and Judy Stall shares the hope clinical trials have given her.


Live Well Ohio: May 2023

Get advice for dealing with allergy season, and learn the signs of a stroke so you can protect your family, friends and neighbors.


20 of 173 results