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215 search results for Author

Dr. James K. Bissell Nature Center, Rock Creek

The Nature Conservancy's Ashtabula County nature center provides an opportunity to learn about the 2,000-acre Morgan Swamp Preserve it calls home.


‘Men of Change: Power. Triumph. Truth.’ in Cincinnati

The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center hosts an exhibition showcasing more than two dozen African American men who changed the history and culture of our nation


Exploring Superman’s Cleveland Roots

The Cleveland Public Library hosts an exhibition that delves into the Ohio origins and cultural influence of the world’s most famous superhero.


‘Lilly Martin Spencer’ at Decorative Arts Center of Ohio

The Ohio artist supported her husband and 13 children by capturing everyday scenes that spoke to 19th-century, middle-class society.


Haunted Ohio Road Trips

From chilling tales to ghostly fun, these eight destinations across the state promise to put a welcome chill in your fall travel plans.


Points of Light

British artist Bruce Munro brings illuminated installations and gallery pieces to Columbus.


6 West Virginia Mountain Towns to Visit this Summer

These communities serve as great bases for exploring the wealth of outdoor adventures, rich history and artistic heritage found in the Mountain State.


Best Of: Editors’ Picks 2017

Here are this year’s picks for the best places to visit, things to experience and memories to make.


How Ohio Launched America's Barn Quilt Phenomenon

The barn quilt phenomenon began in Adams County more than two decades ago. Today, there are driving tours across Ohio and far beyond that invite travelers to hit the road.


Best Hometowns 2015–2016: Hudson

With a long and rich history, this town celebrates its past while embracing new development.


Sherrod Brown on His Book ‘Desk 88’

The Mansfield native discusses his book examining the successes and failures of eight progressive leaders who occupied his desk on the Senate floor.


Ohioan Piper Kerman on Her Memoir ’Orange is the New Black’

This Columbus resident wrote the book that inspired Netflix’s hit series. We talked with her about writing, success and the criminal justice system.


Brian Michael Bendis on the Enduring Appeal of Comics

The Cleveland native talked with us about his move from Marvel Comics to the home of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.


Kyle Kondik on Ohio’s Role as a Swing State

In all but two elections since 1896, Ohio has selected the winning presidential candidate. Here's why.


One Giant Leap: The Lasting Legacy of Apollo 11

Ohioan Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon July 20, 1969, changing how we look at space and capturing the imagination of people around the globe.


Parable Coffee, Columbus

This favorite Columbus spot launched by Jeffrey Clark and Ben Willis aims to make change part of its mission.


The Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience

Experience the sights and sounds of HBO’s hit show in Columbus.


See ‘Jane Austen: Fashion & Sensibility’ in Cincinnati

The Taft Museum of Art in Cincinnati hosts an exhibition of wardrobe worn in six screen adaptations of Jane Austen’s classic novels.


The Signal Tree, Akron

Local lore says American Indian tribes once used this unusually shaped tree to navigate the region, but the burr oak’s real roots remain a mystery.


Laura Watilo Blake on ‘Ohio: A Photographic Journey’

The photographer and Ohio Magazine contributor discusses her book highlighting the beauty of the Buckeye State.


20 of 215 results